The Isaac Eagles Trip Raffle
Grand Prize: Trip to New Orleans: Mike Gallagher
$150 WaWa gift cards: Brian Hopkins, Betsy Davenport, Ellie Peterson and James Henderson
$100 WaWa gift Cards: Steven Garber, Cindy W., Tara Davis, Lynn Murphy, Cathleen Peron, Bobo, James Henderson, Nick Lipinski, Sebastien, Mindy Johnson, Joe Lentzer, Carol Kirkpatrick, Mani Chan, Elaine Lenzko, Joe Magotch, Dermot Higgins. Lina Bishnu, Cheryl Kelly, Brent Bechler and Marguerite Smith.
We help the children of our deceased Co-Workers to get their education. Now we need your help to continue this.
A Hundred Years From Now it will not matter what your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in, or the kind of car you drove…But the world may be different because you were important in the life of a Child.
Thank You From Our Board and Our 26 Kids for participating in the Isaac Pedroza Memorial Foundation Eagles Raffle.
The Isaac is Proud to announce the 2022 Isaac Pedroza Memorial Foundation Scholarship winners.